Research Interest:
1. Informing Average Treatment Effects with Post-treatment Variables
- Best Poster Award, Society for Political Methodology 2019
- Link to APSA version
- Link to latest version
- Slides
2. What Makes Anticorruption Punishment Popular? Individual-level Evidence from China (with Lily L. Tsai and Minh Trinh)
- The Journal of Politics Volume 84, Number 1 January 2022
- Link to earlier SSRN version
3. How Much Should You Trust Your Power Calculation Results? Power Analysis as an Estimation Problem (with Teppei Yamamoto)
- Link to PolMeth version
4. Beyond Topics: Learning for Texts as a Measurement
5. Winning Hearts and Minds: Does Social Media Propaganda Increase the Affective Legitimacy of the Party State? (with Kaiping Zhang)
- Top Paper Award (Faculty), International Communication Association Political Communication Division 2023
- submitted and under review
6. Experimental Impacts of a Large-Scale Home Literacy Intervention on Parental Literacy Beliefs (with Si Chen and Catherine Snow)
- Under review
- Political Methodology (Causal Inference, Statistical Learning and Measurement Errors),
- Comparative Political Behavior (China and Developing Nations)
1. Informing Average Treatment Effects with Post-treatment Variables
- Best Poster Award, Society for Political Methodology 2019
- Link to APSA version
- Link to latest version
- Slides
2. What Makes Anticorruption Punishment Popular? Individual-level Evidence from China (with Lily L. Tsai and Minh Trinh)
- The Journal of Politics Volume 84, Number 1 January 2022
- Link to earlier SSRN version
3. How Much Should You Trust Your Power Calculation Results? Power Analysis as an Estimation Problem (with Teppei Yamamoto)
- Link to PolMeth version
4. Beyond Topics: Learning for Texts as a Measurement
5. Winning Hearts and Minds: Does Social Media Propaganda Increase the Affective Legitimacy of the Party State? (with Kaiping Zhang)
- Top Paper Award (Faculty), International Communication Association Political Communication Division 2023
- submitted and under review
6. Experimental Impacts of a Large-Scale Home Literacy Intervention on Parental Literacy Beliefs (with Si Chen and Catherine Snow)
- Under review